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Annual Meeting, Jan 19,2006
January 19, 2006

MINUTES APPROVED: February 15, 2006

Members in Attendance: Kurt Kramp, Roger Chambers, Debra Crowther, Rich Johnson and Shana Myers. Alternates Ted Brown, Helene Matesky, David Urey and Dot Wood.  addressStreetSusan Way is our recording secretary.

The annual meeting began at 7:00 PM. with Kurt Kramp, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, reading the agenda.

Agenda:  Review of minutes of November and December meetings.
Discussion of Minutes for the following cases:  Wilson, DeMont, and  Mt. Washington Condo Association.
Election of Board of Adjustment Officers

General Discussion about Board Minutes: Kurt reported that minutes of various cases have been amended and approved but a final corrected copy has not been distributed. Kurt would like to have corrected minutes sent to Board members. Helene Matesky requested that in the future, all amended and final approved copies be dated.

 DeMont Case - After a brief discussion it was discovered that several members did not have these minutes. The members decided to discuss the minutes at a later date when all members could get copies. Kurt mentioned that he has since had a call from a real estate agent regarding this variance. The agent wanted to know if the granted variance will follow the lot or is only for the current owner. The Board agreed that the variance stays with the lot.  It was also pointed out that there is a utility right-of-way issue concerning this property.

 Bruce Wilson Case -  David Urey felt that the minutes should be amended regarding the setback language. David believed that the minutes should have stated 32’ from the edge of the road ROW meaning it fails to meet the 50’ setback by 18 feet instead of giving measurements from the back door. Roger made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Shana seconded the motion and all voted favorably. Kurt announced that Mr. Wilson has withdrawn his request for now and will come back with another proposal at a later date.

 Mount Washington Condo Association Case  -  Kurt has received a letter from Mr. Wilson of the condo association, as requested by the Board. All the questions about the area variance were answered.  Kurt requested that typographical errors in the minutes be corrected and that names of the Board members in attendance be included.  Members in attendance for the Public Hearing were:   Kurt Kramp, Roger Chambers, Shana Myers, Debbie Crowther and alternates David Urey, Ted Brown, Dot Wood and Helene Matesky. Fran Lyons, David Douglass and Alan Wilson represented the Condo Association. Roger made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected; Dot Wood seconded the motion and all voted favorably.

Other Business -
The minutes of the December 14, 2005 business meeting were reviewed and approved.

Kurt reported that the Supreme Court judges have not reviewed the Zeliff/Abbott case or assigned a docket number. They could also refuse to hear it. As it stands now there is no date set for a hearing.

Kurt stated that he would like to see some action taken about reinstituting the boundary stakes as mentioned in the December minutes. It was suggested that perhaps this could be included in the application. Stakes would be needed on the boundary and particularly outlining the proposed project.

Kurt asked if there was any other old business.

New Business -
 Election of Officers - Under new business Kurt opened the discussion about new officers. Kurt feels that for elections and all other meetings, all 5 members and  4 alternates should vote. Kurt and Rich have alternated as chair and vice chair for 15 years now. They both would like to step down as officers but remain as members. Kurt suggested that the Chairman should be elected for a term of one year but not more than three consecutive years.

Rich, Debbie and Roger are due to be reappointed in April and Helene is up for reappointment in December 2006. Roger and Debbie would like to remain on the Board. Debbie feels that she cannot accept the nomination for Chairman at this time because of work and family commitments. David Urey proposed Roger as Chairman, Debbie as Vice-Chairman and Helene Mateskey as Clerk.  However, an alternate cannot be an officer.  Shana Myers indicated she would be willing to become an alternate so that Helene could move up into a spot as a full board member and become Clerk.

Roger would accept if all members will help. Kurt felt the most time consuming part was getting information out. Helene and Sue have worked well together in the past and would be willing to handle this.

Dot Wood made the motion that Roger Chambers be elected as Chairman. Shana seconded the motion and all voted favorably. Rich Johnson made the motion that Debra Crowther serve as Vice-Chairman; Shana Myers seconded the motion and all voted favorably. Rich Johnson moved to nominate Helene Matesky as Clerk subject to being approved as a regular member by the Board of Selectmen. Roger Chambers seconded the motion and all voted favorably.

 Legal Assistance – The Board discussed the need for a lawyer to be present at Public Hearings. There may be times when a case justifies legal representation but perhaps not at every hearing. The Board felt that in some cases, it should not make a decision at the Public Hearing in which the case is presented. It may be important to postpone or continue deliberation at another date in order to consult a legal representative if necessary, and in order to prepare a detailed motion for consideration prior to voting on the case.

By-Law Changes - Helene distributed draft changes for the By-Laws to be reviewed for discussion at the next meeting.

OEP Conference - Kurt read the Annual Zoning Conference invitation for April 1 if anyone was interested. He also had 2 copies of the Municipal Law Series that Helene took to read. Kurt is still reading the 3rd issue.

There being no further discussion Roger Chambers made a motion to adjourn at 9:15 PM. Ted Brown seconded the motion and all voted favorably.

Respectfully submitted

Susan G. Way
Recording Secretary
January 23, 2006